Monday, June 1, 2009

Down A Notch

I noticed today that my pagerank, which was once a shiny little 2, has been lowered to a 1/10. I felt the lump form in my throat. I realize I've been very lazy about writing non-sponsored posts these days, but I didn't realize I would lose some of my minuscule clout on the web. I've actually seen page hits from more than the googlebots indexing my page as they so often do. Of course, I realize I don't do much in the way of SEO, which would more than likely boost my pagerank at least a level or two. I also realize cross-posting my entries onto my BlogSpot blog may actually be hurting my rank. Perhaps it's time to rethink the cross-posting. But is it really about pagerank? Really, when I search for my handle/ alias, my website returns first -- and my full-on website sits a big, fat zero right now in Google's pagerank system. Maybe I'm overreacting a bit.